I remember the day that a friend of mine gave me a suit that he didn't want anymore. I took it home and it didn't fit me, so I put it in my closet. I had every intention of donating it to Goodwill or selling it on Craigslist. So, fast-forward two years and guess what? The suit was still hanging in my closet. I thought I would get smart and actually bring it to my office where I would see it everyday and then I would be reminded to donate it. Nope. It still hung there for another six months or so.
Now, I know why. God had other plans for the suit.
While sitting in my office one day preparing for a sermon and I happened to look over at the suit hanging there. I was about ready to start beating myself up again for not donating the suit sooner, when I heard a whisper in my spirit say,..."Take the Suit". I sat there for a moment, and then again,..."Take the Suit".
You see, I was getting ready to head out the door to go visit an after school program called "Imagine If". I know some of the great people and volunteers who run this program for kids, and I wanted to show my support. So, as I headed out the door, yep...I grabbed the suit and flung it over my shoulder.
When I walk into the gym where Imagine If is having their program I see over 80 kids running around having a blast because it's exercise time. I am looking around and smiling at the volunteers giving them the thumbs up and feeling quite awkward because I am standing there holding a $500 suit for no apparent reason. But then, I look over and a relative of one of the kids had walked through the door. She had come to pick up her nephew. When I looked over, everything went quiet in my mind. "Take the Suit" was all I heard. I walked over and introduced myself as the Pastor of one of the supporting churches of Imagine If. She said, "Nice to meet you, I am here to pick up my nephew." I responded with, "Do you need a suit?" She said, "Excuse me?" I took a deep breath, and said it again. "Do you know of anyone who needs a suit?" LONG PAUSE...she said, "What size is it?" I told her. "Are you serious," she said, "my husband is in desperate need of a suit, and that is his EXACT size." I said, "Here is your suit."
God knows where everyone one is on the planet. He knows what all of our needs are. He also knows if we are patient but yet obedient to His voice, we will see HIM do AMAZING things.
Imagine If, I hadn't taken the suit. Now, Imagine If there was no Imagine If. Listen for His voice today.